Title: Briarwood Elementary School
Client: Issaquah School District
Size: 68,000 sf
Construction value: $20.1 million
Date Completed: 2012

Briarwood Elementary School

This new, 600-student, two-story elementary school and storm drainage system was constructed on the parking lot and additional land purchased by the district during Phase 1 by working closely with the district and local zoning and building departments and providing student and public safety throughout all construction, including temporary parking area and parent drop off.

Phase 2 included demolition of the old school and construction of parking lots, play areas, rain gardens, bus loop, rockeries, pedestrian bridge and wetland restoration. Design included areas for portable classrooms for future growth. Even with site constraints of a replacement school and wetlands, separation of bus and private-car drop off was provided—an important safety feature in our designs.

The design team developed graphics including programming, presentations, plans, and phasing schemes to communicate program needs and proposed designs, participating in public presentations to the community, school board and AHJ to build understanding and gain approvals.